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3-2-1 Swim Pak


  A - Coach / Parent Instructions:

1. Attach complete Swim Pak with blue foam belt fastened around rib cage, below pectoral muscles, with foam in center of back.
2. When swim milestone 1 achieved, with swimmer out of water, twist off & remove outer yellow foam piece.
3. Do no remove foam piece if swim milestone not achieved.
4. When swim milestone 2 achieved, with swimmer out of water, twist off & remove middle orange foam piece.
5. When swim milestone 3 achieved, with swimmer out of water, remove blue foam belt.
6. Unassisted Swim 5-10m with Coach or Parent supervision.

  B -  Swim Milestones:          

1. Swim 20m on front without stopping, 15 sec break, do 3x.
2. Reinforce stroke technique skills below.
3. Swimmer progresses at own pace with parental or coach supervision.

  C - Stroke Technique:             

1.  Flutter kick - straight legs, knees together, toes pointed, continuous flutter kick with splashes on top of water. 
2. Scooping - fingers together, full arm extension forward, pull back to chin, with continuous scooping 1 arm at a time.
3. Bum - must be on surface of water. 

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